Cultivating Literate and Numerate Learners through Effective Teaching Strategies
I was recently asked this following question:
Can educators / do educators transfer effective literacy strategies to support student achievement in numeracy?
My initial response: Of course!
However describing what this looks likes, sounds like, even feels like in the classroom is a more challenging of a task.
As described by Fiore, LeBar, & Scott-Dunne (2014) in the 4 Roles of the Numerate Learner, it begins with building relationships and cultivating a classroom community. This transcends content areas and provides the foundation for learning. Daily community circles where students have the opportunity to share their thinking and perspectives is central. Students begin to recognize that it is a safe place to share and connect. They take on the role of listener and speaker and feel their way through these roles.
In community circle, we share our triumphs and our failures, each equally celebrated knowing that we learn the most through our challenges. Taking the time to talk allows me to better understand my students' unique lived experiences which shape their interactions in the classroom. The creation of a nurturing classroom community allows for the application of the strategies shared below.
Although their are many more high yield teaching strategies, I have tried to capture my Top 5. They can be applied in both literacy and numeracy instruction and have been pivotal in student learning and achievement.
Accountable Talk
Responsive Teaching
Responsive teaching requires educators to remain tuned in to the learning and conversations happening in the classroom in order to capitalize on unexpected opportunities for learning. The "just in time" nature of this strategy elicits high levels of engagement for students as the learning is purposeful. It also demonstrates how content areas are interconnect as authentic inquiries often involve multiple subject areas.
See Math Learning - Just in Time for reflections on what this looks like in the primary classroom.
Formative Assessment
Formative assessment helps determine guided reading sessions that focus precisely on individual needs. The same is true for math assessment. Quick check-ìns (eg. ticket out the door, Google forms) allow for responsive teaching based on need.
Make Thinking Visible
Gradual Release of Responsibility
This is the strategy that impermeates all others. It is not linear, but highly cyclical in nature. It allows educators to meet students where they are and promote student accountability. It asks us to think about who holds the cognitive load in the classroom. Who is doing the `work`of learning? Students need opportunities to collaborate, think independently, and also receive direct instruction. Balance is key. In Numeracy, we might begin with a collaborative inquiry task, gather information from this task, and plan shared/modelled approaches based on student needs. In Literacy, this might look like a read-aloud "think aloud" followed by small group shared reading to practice reading strategies.
Improving Practice with Sarah Brown Wessling - Excellent video on Gradual Release of Responsibility
How do you transfer effective literacy strategies to support student achievement in numeracy?
What strategies would be included in your Top 5?
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