Cultivating Literate and Numerate Learners through Effective Teaching Strategies
I was recently asked this following question: Can educators / do educators transfer effective literacy strategies to support student achievement in numeracy? My initial response: Of course! However describing what this looks likes, sounds like, even feels like in the classroom is a more challenging of a task. As described by Fiore, LeBar, & Scott-Dunne (2014) in the 4 Roles of the Numerate Learner , it begins with building relationships and cultivating a classroom community. This transcends content areas and provides the foundation for learning. Daily community circles where students have the opportunity to share their thinking and perspectives is central. Students begin to recognize that it is a safe place to share and connect. They take on the role of listener and speaker and feel their way through these roles. In community circle, we share our triumphs and our failures, each equally celebrated knowing that we learn the most through our...